Mister Grey Adventure

Love-research excursion
spring-summer 2010

The collapse of the old rules and anticipating new rules, even if only formal, is where aesthetics and social resistance meet (Paolo Virno)

Our project is a research about conservative stereotypes in human relations and gender fixing frontiers in a context of cultural values of contemporary neoliberal society. It is a critical research about the ‘Myth of Love’ as well as the myths about the concept of history, tourist expectations, cultural standards and art autonomy. It’s obvious that investigation of the myth means historical knowlege. This part of the project is important and we are happy to collaborate with the art-historian Peter Wagemakers who kindly agreed to take part in our project.
Our hero is a tourist who came to Amsterdam. His name is mister Grey. He does not know what he wants. Maybe love? But what is this? He is just very tired from his life, responsibilities, bills, problems. He has a mid-life crisis. Never in his life he hurt anybody or brought pain … maybe only slightly by his indifference. His mind is in a transitional state, ready to change. Traveling through Amsterdam his mind changes completely.

Our project consists out of two parts:
Social research based on interviews and the excursion as a result .

We would like kindly to ask you if you’re willing to cooperate in our project by letting start the excursion in the W-139. and to distribute headphones and give deskinfo.
Partners of the project will also be the Rijksmuseum and the Lloyd Hotel and
probably De Balie.


As far as we do not now when we can get the support for the project we are planning the realisation of the project approximately around spring-summer 2010 .

Mister Grey adventure

Inspired by Natalie Pershina | Copyright © 2018